Saturday, May 16, 2009


So this year I have a huge backyard and I wanted a garden. So I planted a nice little spot 27ft X 3ft along the fence. It has grown so nicely. We've only gotten a few strawberries but they usually don't do good until the 2nd year anyway. I've picked out some fresh basil, cilantro and rosemary. Eaten a sandwich with some fresh lettuce. Ate the peas and some beans. Waiting for the tomatoes to turn red. There's quite a few out there but they are all still green. Then I finally decided to look at my zuccini to see if anything had grown bigger. HOLY CRAP there were 3 huge zuccini's. I had to pick them and eat them. So I took them inside and cut em up and sauted them. OH MY I've never known zuccini to have so much flavor. I usually have to add so much to make them taste good. I can't wait for more things to ripen in my garden. My pumpkin plant is trying to take over and the watermelon plant is just slowly growing. I've got a few ears of corn so that will be good!