Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rocket's Rabbit

The other morning Rocket caught his rabbit and was so proud of his kill!!

The BIG move redone

SOOOOO the move isn't going the way we would have hoped. Carl needs to get to Washington to start working and making some money. So we need to get this house rented ASAP!!! That also involves Carl Elly, Hades and all our stuff will move to Washington sept/oct. And Rocket and I will move December after I graduate. It'll be tough being apart for that long but hopefully things will go smoothly for Carl once he gets up there. Then I get to drive with Rocket across the states by ourselves. It's going to be a long and lonely drive but worth it in the end. So hopefully we can find some good renter's and not have to worry about this house as much!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The big move

So it's been decided we will move back home to Yakima, WA. We plan on moving jan/feb of 2010. Just after I graduate so I can get a job right away. It's going to be a hard move since it's in the middle of winter but the sooner we get there the sooner we can make some money. We also have to take care of our house here before we move. We have quite a few upgrades to do before we move like put tile downstairs and a few other things. We were going to sell it but since the economy is shit we are keeping it and are gonna rent it out for a bit. We hope the market goes up so we can sell it and make some money off of it but we'll see. Luckily Carl's mom is still here and she can keep an eye on it for us. The move is going to be the hard part. Last time we did the drive from washington to texas it was just Carl and I and my ferret Buttercup. It was also april and we could drive through colorado. This time it's going to be winter, it will be Carl and I plus Elly and our 2 dogs, mind you aren't small. Plus we drove down in my small subaru station wagon pulling the small uhaul trailer behind it. Well we have a lot more shit this time around. AND we have to drive through California so it's a bit longer drive. It's going to be interesting and I don't even want to think what the best way to deal with it is. We'll see what happens as things get closer and I have to deal with it. Until then I just hope it goes smoothly!!

My Big girl

Well Elly turned 3 last May and we have been working on potty training even harder. Well Pooping has been Elly's hardest thing to do. She will request a diaper when she needs to go and nothing else. We've tried bribing her and putting her on the potty when she needs to go. We've tried all kinds of things. Well today has been day 3 of Elly pooping in a potty, granted it's her little potty chair but it'll work. She still tried asking for a diaper and we wouldn't let her have it. We sit and read books while she poops. When she's done she's excited about putting the poop in the toilet. I'm hoping of doing this for a few days we can get her to go in the toilet. We'll see we're slowly making good progress.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Update. Rocket has been returned. I finally got a call Sunday "I think I have your dog." OMG really. Well I was at work so could only talk to her about THANK YOU THANK YOU like 500 times and to call Carl. So Carl got the call and picked up Rocket. He had a few scratches on him and managed to survive a night out in the cornfields until he was picked up Wednesday morning. We are very happy to have him back and he will never go without his collar again and we're being more careful when we let him out. If there is a cloud in the sky we go out with him. It took him a few days to get back to his self. But he's now back and still lazy lying on the chase lounge!!

Our dear beloved Rocket jumped the Fence Tuesday morning. He is scared of thunder and barely heard it in the distance. So he jumped the fence. Carl didn't realize it for a good 20 minutes and he got a good head start. We have contacted animal control, shelters, craiglist, put up flyers and just hope he returns to us. We are on day 2 and are losing some hope. We don't think he made it. There are plenty of corn fields and some wooded areas around here and he may have just stopped in one of those. We have no idea. But we still have some hope that dwindles daily.