Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trip to Washington

I'm back in the good ole state of Texas.... physically. I didn't realize how much I truly missed Washington until this last trip. Seriously. The mountains, the weather, my family, friends, MOUNTAINS, snow, camping, everything. Elly is so deprived by hills that every hill she saw she called a mountain and wanted to climb to the top. She had such a blast playing in the little bit of snow left on White Pass. We went Camping, which Elly has never been and I haven't been since I moved out of Washington, and we had such a blast!! I miss camping, sitting by the campfire, roasting marshmallows, having a warm blanket to keep you warm since it gets chilly at night. I really can't wait to move back.
We went fishing the last weekend and I had a blast. I haven't been fishing since I was like 13 and fishing for little trout. So to fish in the ocean for Sea Bass was fun but exhausting!!!
We had a good trip overall and really can't wait to be closer to some family and friends that we miss while we're here in Texas. It's just too damn hot down here. I'll load some pictures in a few days but I'm working on laundry and no sleep.

Monday, June 1, 2009


We're leaving tomorrow!! Going to be in Yakima for about 2 weeks. Plus the camping and whatnot we get to do. Excited to see family and some friends. I really just want to go to Mt Rainier I think Elly would love it plus I always liked a good hike!! We'll see what happens!